Daguiping Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was named by the Shaanxi Party of Regional Geological Survey in 1965. The type section is at Guanyingtang, Daguiping in Pingli County, Shaanxi Province.
Synonym: (大贵坪组)
Lithology and Thickness
The formation, 290 m in thickness, is dominated by black carbonaceous slate, occasionally comprising siliceous carbonaceous slate and siliceous slate intercalated with stone coal and carbonaceous siltstone. The thickness of the formation varies from 190-555 m in general, reaching up to 1594 m thick at Huangutan as the thickest one.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It disconformable contacts with the underlying strata of Cambrian to Lower Ordovician
Upper contact
It conformably contacts with the overlying Meiziya Fm
Regional extent
The Daguiping Fm is more or less intercalated with trachytic pyroclastic rock at Huangutan in Ziyang County, at Wangjiagou in Ankang County and in some other places; and it, furthermore, comprises interbeds of trachytic porphyry with pyroclastic rock eastwards in the border area between Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces, and locally yields stone coal, phosphorite, pyrite, vanadium, molybdenum, uranium, etc.
It is rich in graptolite, including the following graptolite zones: the Normalograptus persculptus zone, the Parakidograptus acuminatus- Akidograptus ascensus zone, the Orthograptus vesiculosus zone, the Pristiograptus leei-P. cyphus zone, the Demirastrites triangulatus zone, the D. convolutus zone and the Monograptus sedgwickii zone.
Depositional setting
Additional Information